A few pictures from the 2023 season
Portland Trip 2023

Model Yachting 2021
The club has an active model yachting group, more details can be found here.
Sunday Sailing 2020
Stage 2 upwards sailing resumed as soon as possible after lockdown and we welcomed groups of 6 single handlers to the lake. They were supported by a single safety boat to retrieve them if they got really stuck!
First Sailing Day 2019
Water Activities Day 2018
Another year on, and we welcomed everyone back to the lake for a day of water-based fun, BBQ, raffle and cakes! With more than 50 people enjoying the we were pleased to raise over £250 for Sail4Cancer.
Once again, we express our gratitude to WOLT for the loan of their boards and kayaks and dentons for their support.
Topper & Comet Open 2018
We start our season by hosting the Topper and Comet Open annually at Shearwater Sailing Club. Most of our youth sailors have been off the water for about 4 months but still triumph against the opposition.
Water Activities Day 2017
Adult Course 2016
Each autumn we run an adult course where you can gain RYA Level 1 & 2, keep an eye on the Calendar for future dates or Email the Secretary to register your interest.
Goodacre Trophy – Roadford Lake 2016
Shearwater Race Day 2016
Commodore’s Weekend – Roadford Lake 2016
Each July we head to Roadford Lake, a reservoir in Devon to enjoy sailing on a much larger piece of water.